History of Holland > Holland facts > Map of Holland

Map of Holland

Map of Holland
The Netherlands (Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, Kingdom of the Netherlands) is also known as Holland. The name Holland is not the official name of the country, but this name is well known throughout the world because it refers to 2 provinces in the Netherlands (North and South Holland) which were very succesful in past centuries.

The Netherlands is located in the West of Europe at the North Sea, with neigbouring countries Germany and Belgium.

The population of the Netherlands is around 16.5 million inhabitants, on a 41,500 square km. of land. Making it one of the most dense populated countries in the world with almost 400 inhabitants on a square km.

The official language is Dutch and as a part of the European Union the curreny is the Euro.

The capital of the Netherlands is Amsterdam, the city of The Hague is the Netherlands' seat of government.

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